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Bill Clinton Fan Mail Address, Phone Number and House Address

Bill Clinton Fan Mail Address, Phone Number and House Address are provided here. William Jefferson Clinton is an American politician. He performed his responsibility as 42nd president of the United States, since 8 years. He has also served as as attorney general of Arkansas and a governor of Arkansas.

He received honors like Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album for Children, Medal for Distinguished Public Service, National Order of Honour and Merit and many more. If you want to purchase the watch like Bill Clinton, then they are available at amazing offers at online shopping websites.

Bill Clinton Fan Mail Address and Contact Number

In this section, we have provided you the fan mail address of Bill Clinton. If you are having any question, then you can use this address to solve your questions. The address is Bill Clinton, William J. Clinton Foundation, 55 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027, USA.

Office Address and Contact Info of Bill Clinton

If you does not find fan mail address convenient to reach to the location, then here we have the office address for you. You can also use this address to solve your questions. Please, note down the address. The address is William J. Clinton Foundation (Foundation), 55 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027, USA.

Phone Number of Bill Clinton

The best to communicate is the direct conversation with our dearest Bill Clinton. Using the direct conversation mode, we may get the instant feedback. So, for you, here we have the phone number of Bill Clinton. You can just dial at this number. The number is (212) 348-8882. You can also do fax using this fax number. The number is (212) 348-9245.

Quick Facts

  • Net Worth: US
  • Children: Chelsea Clinton
  • Spouse: Hillary Rodham
  • Birth Place: Hope, Arkansas, U.S.
  • Occupation: Presidents of United States.
  • Born: August 19, 1946
  • Residence: Chappaqua, New York, U.S./Washington, D.C., U.S.

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Social Media Accounts

Here, we have the social media accounts of Bill Clinton. The details about being a president can be get from here. His social media accounts are Facebook, Twitter. This social media accounts are verified with blue ticks.