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Unity in Diversity Essay for Kids, and Students [Short Essay with Easy Understanding]

Different Religions in India

Unity in Diversity is an old age concept of unity based on various things with tolerance of political, physical, religious, cultural, psychological, social, ideological, and and more differences. A difference between these things enriches human interactions.

Regarding India, you can able to see variety of diversity. In India, we have different religions living peacefully since centuries. Let’s see our essay ahead!

Unity in Diversity Essay

Unity in Diversity Essay

Different Religions Living Peacefully in India

In India, Hindu, Muslims, Sikh, Christians, Jain, Buddhists, and other religion people lives peacefully. This is one kind of best examples to unity in diversity in India. Even atheists are tolerated in India where you may find more religious people. It is one of the best and unique diversities in any country.

People participate in each other’s festivals and religious events irrespective of their religion alliance. This may be difficult in any other country. In India, Muslims celebrate Diwali, Hindu celebrate Eid, and there are other countless examples.

India’s constitution is strongly based on secular. All religious are equal before the law, and the government. A few political parties in India are working to create tension between different religions, caste, and region. Till date, people failed these political parties at large!

Different Religions in India

Different Religions in India

Vast Diversity in Food Habits in India

In India, you can quickly find different food habits prevails in India without any major issue. It is one of the best examples to unity in diversity among the people. You can find people who eats non-veg food next to vegetarian people. Even in single family, members have different food habits, some may eat non-veg food and some not.

Unique Language in Each State in India

Each and every state their own language and dialect. This is one kind of unique diversity, may not be found anywhere in the world. For example, Gujarat state people speaks Gujarati, Maharashtra people speaks Marathi and Hindi both. On the other hand, Uttar Pradesh native people speaks Hindi with different dialect.

Hindi is widely spoken and understood as the language of India. Yet, it is not spoken by everyone in India. In Southern India, each state have their own set of languages. So, it is very diverse in each part of India. This can not be found anywhere else in the world.

Language Diversity in India

Language Diversity in India

Social Customs: You Can Find Variety Too!

Social customs are very different in each state and region. You may find different social customs for marriage, engagements, social events, and social functions in India. However, people loves to participate in these variety of functions and events to entertain themselves.

In India, different religion people follow different set of social customs. In some regions or state, some social customs are common even to different religion people. This can only be found in India.

Variety of Dances in India To Make Unity in Diversity

India is a land of different dances with best talent. This is a kind of diversity not found anywhere in the world. In Gujarat, you may find Navratri Festival, popular among the youth. This is a 9 day long festival, dedicated to goddess or also known as “Mataji” in local language.

On the other hand, in tribal states, tribal dances and folk dances are much popular among the people of India. In recent decades, the State Governments have started promoting this dance as part of tourism promotion.

Dance Diversity in India

Dance Diversity in India

Despite variety of geographical conditions, economical background, caste system, religious population, and vast language spoken, India is a living example of unity in diversity.

-Unity in Diversity Essay Ends Here-

Note: Please do not copy this essay to your website or blog. This essay is useful for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. This can also be used for UPSC, TNPSC, and other state public service commission competitive exams.

Article last re-published on March 6, 2020.