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An Essay on Farmer Suicides in India for Youth, and Students

Farmer Suicides in India

The farmer suicides in India is the major concern for the people of India. Each, thousands of farmers commits suicides due to failure in crop and financial weak condition. According to National Crime Records Bureau of India, 5650 farmers committed suicides in 2014. This suicide factor is one of the worst things in today’s modern India.

Irregular Rainfall

A rainfall is a major requirement for proper agriculture. A rainfall must come on time to get proper crop success. In modern India, the situation become worsening due to irregular timing of rainfall. A proper agriculture is becoming a thing of past. In this situation, the farmer face difficult situation of money / finance and took an extreme step of suicide.

Farmer Suicides in India

Farmer Suicides in India

Crop Failure, Main Reason

According to National Crime Records Bureau of India, bankruptcy or indebtedness was the main reason behind these farmer suicides in India. A failure of crops is main reason for suicides of 16.8% farmers in India. On the other hand, 20.1% farmers committed suicides due to family issues.

Media Outcry

It’s not a new issue in India. The farmer suicide is an old issue in India but the Government including state and centre failed to solve it. Media outcry is a regular thing in India on this issue. During election time, a few political parties get benefits of this issue to get more votes. It’s not a serious issue for political parties in India.

Major Affected States

Maharashtra is the most affected state in India for this issue. Maharashtra has seen 4238 suicides, Karnataka 2135, Andhra Pradesh 1797, Chhattisgarh 1593, Madhya Pradesh 1263, Kerala 1263 and West Bengal 1102. These are the most affected states in India for farmer suicides.

The five most affected states are, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. These five states seen thousands of farmer suicides in recent years.

-Essay on Farmer Suicides in India Ends Here-

Important Note: An Essay on Farmer Suicides in India could be translated in regional languages of India. This essay is purely written for the knowledge of students, and kids. Please do not use without prior permission.

Article Title: An Essay on Farmer Suicides in India for Youth, and Students
Article last re-published on April 5, 2020. Original.