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How do I get in touch with the Amazon CEO for complaint?

How do I make a complaint to Amazon CEO? How does Amazon deal with customer complaints? One of the biggest retailers in the US is Amazon. Millions of people in the US use it for their household and business needs. So, goof-ups are possible. Amazon inevitably receives a flood of complaints from enraged or dissatisfied customers. To address these grievances, Amazon offers a full-fledged customer service center that responds to consumer concerns on a round-the-clock basis.

However, there is still a possibility that your concern is not resolved by the customer service team to the extent you were expecting it or in simple words, up to your expectation levels and you would like to take it to higher authorities. Maybe your concern is serious and you do not want to address it to customer service or maybe it is about them or the resolution provided by them and you want the company’s CEO should be involved in it. So, How do I get in touch with the Amazon CEO for complaints? Let’s find out in the coming section, ways to contact Amazon CEO for complaints.


Amazon, Image Credit: Joe Mabel

How to contact Amazon CEO for complaints?

Contact by Email

You can contact the CEO of the company by email. If you are looking for an urgent response to your concerns, routing it to customer care is the best available alternative. An email is the most convenient and accessible mode of communication, however, it is n it necessary that Amazon’s CEO will be responding to the email himself. Most of the times Email received on the CEO’s email public address are taken care of by the Executive Seller Relations team but that doesn’t mean they don’t check their emails. Many of the times CEO review it and forward it to the concerned department. So, how to contact Amazon CEO?

The current CEO of Amazon is Andy Jassy, he is also the President and Board member at To reach him, you may write to him at his official email address for public interest:

Contact By Twitter

You may also get in touch with the CEO through Twitter. Twitter is one of the best modes to get heard and get attention. The Twitter handle of Amazon CEO Andy Jassy is @ajassy. You can reach out to him by commenting on one of his tweets or posts. Now whether or not, your response catches the attention may depend on the nature of your request, how you are communicating it, and also the priority of the CEO.

Contact by Mail

You can also send your complaint to the CEO of the company by mail. You can write your concern and address it to the CEO and send it by mail. The mailing address that can be used for this is listed here: Andy Jassy, Amazon Headquarters, 410 Terry Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109.

Try to be as brief and direct in your letter as you would in an email. If people immediately comprehend the issue and the potential solution, they are more likely to pay attention to it, so keep that in mind. Also, avoid the use of abusive or impulsive language and tone.

 Important Contact Information

Amazon is a US-based electronic commerce company with headquarters in Seattle. Here in this section, we have provided important contact information for your use and reference:

  • Headquarters address: 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
  • Phone, Main: (206) 266-1000
  • Toll-Free: (888) 280-4331 or (888) 280-3321

Primary Contact: Vincent Duong, Customer success manager, 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109. Email:
