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How do I contact Berkshire Hathaway CEO for a complaint?

Berkshire Hathaway is a US-based multinational conglomerate holding company. The headquarters of Berkshire Hathway is based out in Nebraska, United States. Berkshire Hathaway is a publicly traded company and is registered with NYSE under the trade symbol BRK in class A &  B category shares.

Insurance is its primary line of work and funding source, and it invests the retained premiums in a diverse range of subsidiaries, stock positions, and other securities. How to contact the CEO of Berkshire Hathway? If you are looking for ways to connect with the CEO of the company, continue reading as in this section, we have suggested all the possible ways to connect with him.

Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway, Image Credit: JonClee86 at English Wikipedia

How do I contact Berkshire Hathaway CEO for a complaint?

Contact through Mail

To contact the CEO of Berkshire, the best available alternative is to contact via the headquarters. You can write to him at the headquarters address, please take note of the address: Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 3555 Farnam Street, Suite 1440, Omaha, NE 68131.

The position of the company’s CEO and President is held by Warren Buffet. You can write a letter addressed to him at the above-mentioned address. Please note that the mails may not be received or addressed directly by the CEO and may be routed via his staff.

Contact by Phone

You can also leave a message for the CEO on the Headquarters Phone. Please note down the phone number: (402) 346-1400.

For general inquiries, complaints, or for info purposes, contact the customer service team at Berkshire Hathway through the given phone lines:

  • Toll-Free Number: (844) 932-7889
  • General Info Phone Line: (909) 870-8417

Contact by Email

You can also contact the CEO of the company by email. The personal email address of Berkshire’s CEO is not available to us but you can send an email addressing to him at the official email address of the company. The e-mail address is given here as:

Please keep the email as a last resort, the recommended way to approach him is via mail.

Contact by Social Media

You can also send him your message through social media. Here you can find Warren Buffett’s Twitter account link:

You may not necessarily receive a response but you can leave a message in response to his tweets that might grab his attention.

Contacting Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Warren Buffet is the trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, if you are trying to get in touch with Berkshire Hathway CEO Warren Buffet regarding Foundation requests or grants (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), you can send an email directly to the official email address of the foundation: Or call the foundation directly about a grant inquiry at 206-709-3140.

You can also mail them, the mailing address for the main office is: 500 Fifth Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109.

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