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James Franco Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address

  • by
Narendra Modi

James Franco Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address are presented here. An American actor James Edward Franco is also a screenwriter, director producer. He is also interested in painting and is also a comedian. He is very famous for playing a role in live-action films like Spring Breakers, Spider-Man trilogy, This Is the End and so on. He was also starred in television appeared in Freaks and Geeks, James Dean and many more.

He has been honored with numerous accolades like Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, Critics Awards and many more. In order to buy the footwear like James Franco in USA, then they are available at your own budget.

James Franco Fan Mail Address

The fan mail address of James Franco is present here. The address is James Franco, Anonymous Content, 3532 Hayden Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232, USA.

Office Address and Contact Info of James Franco

Lets have a look at the office address of James Franco. The address is Anonymous Content (Talent Management Company), 3532 Hayden Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232, USA.

Agent Office Address of James Franco

The Agent Office Address is also present here. The noting down address is James Franco, United Talent Agency, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3604, USA.

Talent Agency Address

This section will provide you the Talent Agency Address of James Franco. The address is United Talent Agency (Talent Agency), 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3604, USA.

Contact Numbers of James Franco

You can grab the contact number of James Franco for the telephonic communication. The Office Contact Number is (310) 558-3667. The Office Fax Number is (310) 558-4212. The Talent Agency Phone Number is (310) 273-6700. The Talent Agency Fax Number is (310) 247-1111.

Quick Information

  • Born Place: Palo Alto, California U.S.
  • Occupation: actor, director, screenwriter, comedian, film producer, television producer, academic, painter and writer
  • Birth Date: April 19, 1978
  • Net Worth: US$30 Million

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Social Media Pages

James Franco is present at YouTube Channel. He has the official channel at YouTube. You can watch the videos uploaded their. You can also subscribe the channel and get the notification for every new post.